
Democratic Clubs on the San Diego Coast are united for a more progressive future.

CoastalDemsDuring the 2012 Election Cycle, the Democratic Clubs on the San Diego Coast formed a partnership under the guidance of the San Diego County Democratic Party and established a Democratic Campaign Headquarters in Pacific Beach, which coordinate a successful effort to elect endorsed candidates, including a Democratic Mayor of San Diego and turning the 52 Congressional Disrtict from red  to blue.

Manifesting the vision for a more progressive future begins with a grassroots movement today.

The 2014 Election Cycle starts with motivating voters in the San Diego Coastal Area, organizing the Central West GO Team, and electing David Alvarez Mayor of San Diego.

San Diego Coastal Democratic Clubs:

San Diego County Democratic Party and GO Team Collaboration:

SDCDP LogoThe San Diego Coastal Democratic Clubs and their members are an essential component of the San Diego County Democratic Party‘s GO Team effort to register, educate, and motivate voters to actively engage in the election process.  

Many club officers and members of San Diego Coastal Democratic Clubs are in GO Team leadership roles as Regional Coordinators, Community Coordinators, Data Coordinators, Precinct Leaders, and volunteers.

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